Cdiscount Express Seller lets you offer your products to our most loyal customers!

Cdiscount Express Seller lets you make your offers to “Cdiscount à Volonté” (CDAV) customers, Cdiscount’s loyalty programme.

This programme offers free delivery to the customer’s home address within 3 days, all year round

Why make your offers eligible for the “Cdiscount à Volonté” program?

Cdiscount Express Seller lets you make your offers eligible for the “Cdiscount à Volonté” loyalty program. For a monthly fee of €49 excluding VAT, you will benefit from multiple advantages:

Loyal customers

Customers who are members of our loyalty programme order 3 times as much as those who are not subscribed!

Increased visibility on the site

Your offers will carry the “Cdiscount à Volonté” tag and will therefore be more visible on the search results list.

More competitive on Buy Box

You deliver quickly, so the offers will be more attractive to customers and more visible!

2 million members

The number of subscribers keeps growing and you can reach an enhanced audience!

A boost during website strong times

You would be spotlighted during the big commercial events.

Significant sales volume

+ than 40% of our business volume is with CDAV subscribers.

The conditions to fulfill

If you need further detail, check our dedicated Help Center article.

  •  Respect the CGMAD (General Conditions for Making Available)
  •  Offer the Express delivery or tracked mode in 72 hours to the purchasers.
  •  Dispatch from France or Europe and to Metropolitan France (including Corsica)
  •  Respect a delivery rate within the maximum time period indicated of greater than or equal to 96%
  •   Display 100% of trackings with compliant carriers on your Seller Space

How does it work?

I register in Cdiscount Express Seller (CXS)

Cdiscount checks the quality of my deliveries (over the last 30 days)

Cdiscount has validated my registration and I start to configure my offers

I prepare my express orders on the same day for delivery the next day

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