What are the advantges of using the Octopia Fulfillment service?
As well as letting you optimise your logistics, there are numerous other advantages granted by our solution:

Accelerate your sales
- “Cdiscount à Volonté” tag on your products (discover all the advantages)
- Offers eligible for our most loyal customers thanks to the search filter
- Enhanced visibility of your products on our site, and a spotlight on you during commercial events
- Privileged support from a team of experts in logistics

Improve your profitability
- Manage only your sales and your stocks on a daily basis for all your sales platforms
- Fee schedules among the most attractive on the market
- Partner offers to support you with packaging
- Advance payment for your sales*

Increase your customer satisfaction
- 100% of delivery modes unblocked (home, express and at collection points)
- Over 10 years of experience in logistics coupled with a strong culture of innovation
- “Logistical” customer service guaranteed in 24h maximum
- Reduction of claims linked to the delivery of your products and increase in positive opinions

Dispatch on all your platforms
- A single stock for all your sales sites
- In France and in more than 20 European countries
- Competitive rates
- Management of support for logistical matters
- Several possibilities: standard shipment (D+3-5), express shipment (D+1) or pick-up point (D+4-5) depending on your needs
- Shipment of your products to other platforms under white label on simple request and without additional costs
By using the Fulfillment service, you will benefit from an average increase of +80% in sales volume* on our site!
Join the French e-commerce leader
Contact our services directly
Do not hesitate to fill in our contact form to be contacted by one of our logistics experts and benefit from privilaged support during your launch
Select your products
Your Fulfillment expert is at your service to accompany you as you select the products you wish to entrust us with. You will also be supported as you carry out your first packaging, and numerous tools available on your seller space will be presented to you.
Preparation and dispatch
Once your training is complete and your supply order has been placed, we will provide you with all the documents required for the proper delivery of your products. All packaging types (parcel, pallet) are possible provided they respond to the requirements listed in our specification, which will be given to you by your Fulfillment expert.
Receipt and integration of your products
You can follow the progress of your different packagings from your seller space. Once your products have been placed in storage, we will take care of everything for each of your orders, from preparing your orders to delivery, and even customer relations if required.
Fulfillment rates
Our rates can be divided into two main catagories (storage and shipping costs) and are invoiced to you every ten days when your sales are paid.
To obtain our rates, please contact us via our dedicated contact form.
Frequently asked questions
How do I manage my logistics ?
Within your Seller Area, you have access to your own dedicated logistics management interface. This lets you check your products, track your stock level, identify your top-sellers etc.
Our Octopia Fulfillment advisors will also be available to assist you in your marketplace business.
Are my products highlighted on the site Cdiscount.com ?
Yes, once your products have the Octopia Fulfillment label, they will gain visibility through a specific filter (Shipped by Cdiscount). What's more, they will also enjoy Free Shipping promotion where eligible (basket value of over €25).
Can I use my Fulfillment inventory to deliver my sales to other platforms?
Yes, with our external ordering service, you can use our Fulfillment solution to ship your products across all your sales platforms. You send us the order information and we manage all the preparation, shipping, and support on anything to do with logistics for you. Please find all the information on our dedicated page here.
Which destinations do you deliver to?
For orders placed on Cdiscount
We deliver to Metropolitan France/Corsica/Monaco, but also Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg.
For orders placed on another platform
We deliver not only in France but in also more than 20 European countries. Click here to learn more.
What are the modes and delivery times of my customer orders?
Sales on Cdiscount :
Delivery modes are as per the Cdiscount site, namely :
– For products under 30 kgs: and 2m in 3D perimeters: collection points, home delivery, express delivery.
– for products over 30 kg and 2m 3D perimeter: large parcel relay point delivery and home delivery are available (at the bottom of the building/at home /at home + residential building).
Delivery times will be those corresponding to the delivery method chosen by your customer.
Sales made on another platform :
For an order placed on an external Marketplace or on your site, delivery will be made to the customer's home within 5 working days.
Available delivery modes:
– for products under 30 kgs and 2m 3D perimeter: standard delivery in France and Europe
- We will shortly be starting up an express service for orders placed in France.
How are my sales orders processed ?
Your order is treated as a Cdiscount order.
During periods of high demand, you get the benefit of Octopia's logistics capabilities with its 24/7 warehousing.
What is the maximum weight or maximum 3D perimeters permitted for processing an item?
We process items from 0 to 180 kg. The maximum 3D perimeter (length + width + height) is 5 metres. However, certain types of products subject to specific regulations will not be accepted, for example, those which are flammable or contain alcohol. Please contact the sales department if you sell products with any special characteristics.
Which warehouses will my products be stored in?
This will depend on product category. At Cdiscount there are 2 categories :
* Small products (Weight < 30 kg and (length + width + depth) < 2 M). These will be stored at our logistics centre in Cestas (Dept: 33). * Bulky products (Weight > 30 kg or with 3D perimeters (length + width + depth) > 2 M). They will be stored at either of our two centres at Andrezieux (Dept:42) and Saint Mard (Dept 77) in France.
Our modern buildings feature quality and automated preparation, packaging and shipping processes. All operations are traced and tracked in real-time. All our staff has significant experience in e-commerce logistics. The sites are also all secure and have 24-hour security personnel.
Is there a minimum number of items required to use the Octopia Fulfillment service?
No, you can outsource all or part of your logistics and associated Customer Relationship Management. You can discuss this all with the Octopia Fulfillment team and agree together on which type of products are most profitable for you.
How to register for Octopia Fulfillment?
You can register by filling out the contact form available here.
*Study conducted from January to December 2019 on a representative panel of products before and after using the Fulfillment service.